Making Your Workout Less Boring

Good morning all!!

Happy Thursday!:)

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Just a quick heads up….

Next week I’ll be at a dance intensive, so my posts might be a little more sporadic than usual. However, I’ll do my best to keep up with it!:)

So how many of you have ever dreaded working out?
We’ve all done it, so no need to be ashamed. You get that “I don’t wanna” feeling.

You count down the minutes until you can pack up and leave.You might even think that you hate working out.

Guess what? You’re not alone!

Many exercisers, especially new ones, can relate. However, I refuse to accept that you hate working out. The truth is that you just haven’t found a way to make it fun. Exercise shouldn’t be a punishment. It should be a release! Your workouts should be the best part of your day. 🙂

Here are some of my best tips and tricks to make your workouts a lot more enjoyable:

  1. Race yourself.
    The next time you do a distance-based workout, time yourself. When you go back to do it again, try to beat your last time by at least a few seconds. Make it a game! The only person you’re competing against is yourself. It’s a lot less stressful that way.
  2. Pump up the jams.
    Without music, I’d hate my workout, too. Take some time to make a playlist that makes you feel positive and energetic, with a quick beat. Try browsing through Spotify for some inspiration!
  3. Shift your focus.
    Instead of repeating “I hate working out” over and over, embrace the fact that you’re at the gym, on the track, or outside, changing your mind and body. You choose this. Talk yourself into your workout, not out of it. Recognize and honor that you chose not to plop on the couch. It’s only hard until it’s not!
  4. Plan it out.
    Nothing kills your vibe like getting to the gym and having no idea what you’re going to do that day. That’s what wastes time in the first place! Instead, pick a workout before you go. You’ll be more motivated to complete it when you have a written plan or an idea of what you’d like to do.
  5. Try something new.
    Do you only run? I dare you to try CrossFit or yoga. Are you a beast of a guy who usually sticks to squat days and lifting? I challenge you to a hip-hop or Pilates class. Trying new things keeps us on our toes and makes working out less of a chore. While most of us don’t like being the worst person in class, remember, nobody is watching. Chances are, everyone is watching the instructor!
  6. Find your reason.
    “I work out because…” fill in the blank! Whenever you feel like skipping your yoga class or cardio workout, remind yourself of your “why” with a short mantra that roots you back into a motivated state. Maybe you workout because you want to keep yourself in shape. Or maybe you want to look good in those old pair of jeans again. Either way, reminding yourself why you’re working out will keep you focused on your goals.
  7. Don’t overdo it.
    Over-training can drain you physically and emotionally. I know ALL about this. There’s a fine line between letting out stress through your workout and creating more of it. Make sure you’re getting at least one full day off from working out every week. Start with a workout schedule that leaves you looking forward to your next workout after you finish! For instance, my rest days are always on Sundays. It gets my body back into gear for the next week and makes me feel more refreshed!
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Whatever you do, don’t let the negative voice in your mind convince you that you hate working out. This is your life! If you want to make it great, that’s up to you. Inject some joy into your exercise experience, and celebrate what your body can do!

Have a beautiful day!❤

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