6 Reasons You Should Be Doing Yoga

Well good morning all!!:)

I hope you’re having a fabulous Thursday so far! Even though I’m sure some of you aren’t awake right now…;)

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“A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation”. – Dictionary

This is the literal definition of yoga. However, it means so much more than that.

So, what do we know?

Yoga is an ancient practice with origins stretching back thousands of years in India. It is designed to help achieve a more positive outlook on life and a sense of serenity and peace. However, many people worry that it’s just a group of intensely athletic people putting their legs behind their heads and curling up into jaw-dropping positions.


People of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities can do yoga and adapt it to suit their individual tastes and needs. That’s the beauty of it!

If you think yoga might not be for you, I beg you to reconsider. Here are seven of my top reasons why you should stop, drop, and Namaste as soon as you can.

1. It’s a great workout.

First of all and most obviously, yoga is a fantastic workout for your body. You can adapt the practices to your own speed and level of comfort. No matter which yoga exercises you choose, the practices will always be part of a great workout routine. Try a Vinyasa or flow class for the most movement-based exercises. If you are a beginner, I would recommend Hatha or Yin yoga.

2. It gets you in touch with your body.

Yoga exercises are designed around the idea of moving your body to increase its strength and durability. Therefore, doing yoga on a regular basis will really get you to be much more in tune with your body and know when something is really working and when it isn’t.

3. It can help your breathing technique.

A big part of yoga is the breathing, or the pranayama, which are incorporated into positions and then on their own. The exercises encourage a more focused and centered way of breathing, and while they might not be something you’ll do consciously every day, they provide methods of effective stress-management and generally make you feel much better! Trust me.

4. It will improve your posture.

Yoga is pretty effective at helping you develop some proper posture, since a lot of the breathing and seated positions require a straight back for proper effect. Good posture is definitely going to develop during yoga practice. You might start off slumped and frustrated, especially if you work a desk job, but yoga will help sculpt your back and make you walk taller.

5. It can develop your physical and mental strength.

Another side effect of yoga is that it will help you develop some truly incredible mental and physical strength. The whole point of yoga is to work on your body’s strength so that you can sit for longer in meditation, and experience plenty of physical strength benefits as a result. The exercises force you to focus on the moment, and during meditation, to clear your mind, which helps alleviate stress and improve your mental health.

6. Meditation can change your life for the better.

Meditation, meditation, meditation! It’s really the key to all things yoga. Even if you can do every kind of complicated pose under the sun, it loses all of its true meaning if it’s not done with focus and thought. Meditation has been shown time and time again to be a beneficial practice that everyone should implement into their daily routine.

And no, meditation isn’t necessarily sitting with a bowl of incense with a book of Tibetan chants in a darkened, candlelit room. You can meditate anywhere quiet and at absolutely any time you like. All it takes is five minutes with some alone time and peace and quiet. Meditation improves your quality of life by allowing your mind some time to process everything that goes on in your life.

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Be well,

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