How-To Tuesday: Restarting A Horrible Day

This is the last Tuesday of the semester and I am LEAPING FOR JOY.

Just like this little guy….:)

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No more 12 hour days!!!!

For now…..

But anywayyyy, no negativity! 🙂 Even though it’s Tuesday. I got to thinking how I wish I could restart some of these days because I had such a horrible attitude and they would just drag on and on and on.

Luckily, it doesn’t always have to be like that.

Why is it so hard to break out of these ruts? Why do we decide right from the start, “Haha, this day sucks. Might as well go with it and abandon all hope of accomplishing anything/wearing real clothes”.

Today, I’ll show you what you can do when it’s 3:30pm and you feel like tearing your eyeballs out of their sockets…..

…okay, maybe that’s a little too much, but you get the point. 😉

1. Get outside.

Even if it’s overcast or windy. Bundle up and take a brisk walk to clear your mind. Leave your phone at home and do your best to view this as a “walking meditation” — really notice the colors of the leaves and the smell of the flowers.

2. Put yourself in a new setting.

Sometimes when I get a “block” during homework time in public, like at a coffee shop, I get conscious of others around me who might notice that I’m constantly clicking between social media sites. I’m also very aware of the unspoken coffee shop agreement: if you bought a $3 coffee you get to hang out for an hour or two. This usually forces me to actually get some work done and take in the good vibes from everyone else around me!

3. Put your legs up the wall.

Before you think I’m weird, just hear me out. I usually don’t have time for a nap, so this usually calms me and serves as a divider between the crappy day I’ve been having and the wonderful day I’m about to start. All you have to do is lie on your back and (you guessed it) prop your legs upward against a wall, so you make a big “L.” Magic.

4. Physically distance yourself from the things that are making your day crappy.

If you’re cranky because your coworker is too loud, go work somewhere else. If you’re frustrated with yourself because you’re stress-eating an entire jar of Nutella, go for a long walk or get to somewhere like a public library where there are no snacks. If your roommate is winding you up, get out of the house and go meet another friend.

5. Write it down.

If your current day has been “uninspired, unfocused, and meh” why don’t you write out how you want the rest of it to go? Tell yourself that you’re a “wizard of productivity”, a “brilliant thinker”, or a “shining example of leadership”. You get the idea.

How do you deal with bad, unproductive days?

I hope you all have a VERY productive Tuesday! 😉

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