Good morning everyone!!! 🙂
It’s that time of the week again: Monday….
(Image Credit)
For those of who feel like these puppies, I’m right there with ya!
Maybe you had a rough weekend, maybe you barely slept a wink from prom night.
In my case, I had to do a lot of traveling in such a short amount of time…but it was all worth it! I got to see my brother, perform with some of my favorite fellow dancers, and beam as I watched my boyfriend graduate from college. 🙂
I am so proud of him!!!!
After I got home last night, I started to think about what it means to graduate from college.
Now what?!
As a college graduate, you’re no longer entitled to a few things:
no more meetings, rehearsals/practices, no more papers or exams, no more sleepless nights studying… you won’t be with the people you now see daily. Or maybe you won’t have the same job with the same awesome boss.
You’ll now have a few new commitments: paying off loans, job-hunting and career building, maybe even car purchasing and/or maintenance…(these are just a few I can think of).
But in the bigger picture, outside of the daily tasks, what does it mean to hold a college degree?
Although holding a degree isn’t as “impressive” as it was in previous decades, stats still show that those who earn bachelor degrees are likely to earn twice as much as those who don’t. In all reality, having a college degree will likely mean a comfortable living and the opportunity to move up at work and in life.
Yeah, a degree might just be a piece of paper, but I think it’s something worth showing off.  In the end, your college education isn’t valuable for the piece of paper you get; it’s valuable for the experiences you have, the skills you actually learn, and the accomplishments you achieve while there.
You did it, and the future is bright!!!
Now I’m one to talk; I still have 2 more years of college!
But these are just thoughts I have as I was standing by and watching it all happen. Time goes by so fast.
Life is good. 🙂
Speaking of good, check out my first taste of Indian food, which I now LOVE!
Find this delicious Fish Tikka and Shrimp Biryani on my Instagram 🙂
But congratulations to the Classes of 2015 all over the world!!!