Mythbuster Monday: Water Edition (I’M BAAAACK!)


Have you missed me?!?

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In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been gone for a bit…but the past week has been such an incredible experience that I wouldn’t take back for anything!

I was fortunate enough to be able to dance with 39 other talented dancers and an incredible choreographer, focusing mainly on contemporary and hip-hop styles. We were thrown into deep waters and it was up to us to figure out how to survive. Surprise auditions, awesome master classes, a video production day, and even a photo shoot! It was one of the best dancing experiences of my career so far.

So…now that I’m back in the swing, it’s time for another Mythbuster Monday!!:)

Have you ever heard of the “spring water vs. purified water” debate? Neither have I, but my Dad brought it up last night and asked if I could write about it here on the blog.

Consider it done!

So which one is really better for you??

(Some information was adapted from THIS source)

Spring Water – Many people believe spring water is actually “pure” water. But is it really? As it turns out, the “100% pure” refers to the source of the water itself, not the absence of impurities in the water. 100% of the water in the bottle came from an underground source (a spring), rather than from a surface water. This might sound okay, but I don’t know many people who would go down to the river and scoop themselves a refreshing glass of “pure and natural” river water! Yuck!

Many, if not most, spring waters are NOT bottled at their source. Instead, the water is pumped into large tanker trucks for transportation to a bottling facility at a different location. Not exactly a “natural” process, right? Once that truck water reaches the bottling facility, a filtration process is used to remove the chlorine. However, most of the other impurities remain. The “spring” water then has to go through more treatment before being put into the water bottles. Why not remove all of the impurities? Who wants various metals in their drinking water? The answer is that if most people don’t know what’s in the water in the first place, perhaps they don’t care.

Purified Water – Purified water represents the fastest growing branch of the bottled water industry. Why? Because it’s purer than other types of waters (hence the name). Purified water is often confused with filtered water. To meet the legal definition of “purified water”, water impurities must be removed or reduced to extremely low levels. Purified water is cleansed and purified through additional purification processes, “typically reverse osmosis, distillation, or deionization”. The resulting product, “purified” water, is better than spring water, tap water and filtered water. A properly functioning purification system will produce extremely high purity water every time, regardless of changes in the source water’s quality. This is not true of spring water, tap water, or filtered water. For this reason, purified water is viewed as a higher standard compared to other waters.

So, which one is better for you??


This type of water goes through the longest cleaning process, leaving the purest water molecules for you to drink. Unwanted particles move through the system and are discarded. Spring water comes from an underground source from which water naturally rises to the surface. That type of filtration process works too, but purified seems to be the best option for all included.

Don’t believe me? Do your research!

Click on image for source

It’s so great to be back, have a fantastic day!!❤


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