“Flexitarianism” – A Dancer’s Live-It

Me: “Sorry I don’t eat meat, but I’m a pescetarian so I still eat fish!”Someone else: “Wait, isn’t that a religion?”Me: “No that’s Presbyterian, not pescetarian…” *UPDATED: 5/25/16* You’d be surprised how often I hear this, so I just tell people I’m a vegetarian “flexitarian” because it’s easier. I am not a full pescetarian anymore. As […]

About Marina

Well hello there! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! 🙂 My name is Marina and I am the 21 year old dancer, college student, and wellness/self-love advocate. I’m also happiest when baking or eating oatmeal. I am currently majoring in Dance Performance & Choreography and minoring in Public Health at a university and will […]

“Flexitarianism” – A Dancer’s Live-It

Me: “Sorry I don’t eat meat, but I’m a pescetarian so I still eat fish!”Someone else: “Wait, isn’t that a religion?”Me: “No that’s Presbyterian, not pescetarian…” *UPDATED: 5/25/16* You’d be surprised how often I hear this, so I just tell people I’m a vegetarian “flexitarian” because it’s easier. I am not a full pescetarian anymore. As […]


I eat oatmeal almost every day for breakfast, not only because it’s AMAZING, but it’s also a nutritional powerhouse and keeps me satisfied all morning. My stovetop and baked pages contain all the oatmeal I’ve eaten, and will be frequently updated! For more up-to-date oatmeal goodness, check out my Instagram page. 🙂 Oats are life.