What is Narcolepsy? Know What Causes Narcolepsy

What is narcolepsy? Narcolepsy can be defined as a sleep-related neurological disorder that effects the central nervous system (brain) in an abnormal way. Those who suffer from narcolepsy often feel tired all the time and are unable to function properly throughout the day and night.


If you are suffering from narcoleptics, then you will experience excessive sleepiness during the day and will have uncontrollable bouts of falling asleep at inappropriate times during the day. These sudden sleep-overs can occur at any point of the day and during any type of activity. When someone has narcoleptics, they may wake up several times in a row but will never be able to get back to sleep because of their inability to get to the deep REM sleep required for a good night's rest. The symptoms of narcoleptics are different for every individual.


Many people with narcoleptics are aware of their condition and should not worry because they will not suffer from it if they do not have trouble falling asleep. People who do have sleep problems do not realize that their sleep problems can be caused by narcoleptics, but they can identify these symptoms themselves. People who sleep for very long periods of time or find it difficult to get back to sleep are usually diagnosed with narcoleptics. However, narcoleptics can affect anyone at any age. This may explain why there is so much stigma associated with this disease.


Narcoleptics have something in common. They usually cannot sleep at normal times. This makes it difficult for them to fall asleep, fall asleep, or wake up at the same time every day. Sometimes they may feel like they are awake because they simply have no desire to fall asleep, and when they wake up, they are extremely exhausted.


Another symptom that narcoleptics may experience is waking up at odd hours during the day and not being able to remember that they fell asleep at all. It can also make it difficult for them to concentrate at school or work. Symptoms can be very severe, so a doctor may recommend a physical examination to rule out other conditions. This is a common method for diagnosing narcoleptics, but it cannot pinpoint the exact cause of their condition.


Patients with narcolepsy may have seizures that last from a few minutes to several hours


This can happen several times during the day, causing the person to constantly wake up and feel very tired throughout the day.


A physical examination is often conducted when a patient first gets evaluated. A doctor will have to take a detailed history, examine the body, and ask questions about how the individual sleeps. The doctor will use a series of tests to determine if there are any medical conditions that may be contributing to the symptoms. The doctor may also perform certain tests to determine if there are any other health problems that could be causing the symptoms.


There are different medications that can be used to treat narcoleptics, but sometimes surgery and stimulants may be necessary to stop the symptoms. Narcoleptics should see a sleep specialist if they cannot control the condition on their own. Other treatments include taking medication and changing your lifestyle. Narcoleptics may need to use anti-narcoleptic medication to control their symptoms and can find that by making some changes to their life and diet they can reduce their symptoms to a certain level.


It is possible to get treatment for narcoleptics at a sleep clinic, which is one of the most effective ways to treat them. Sleep centers provide doctors with a medical and psychiatric assessment before they decide what type of treatment is best for you. Many of these clinics offer both group and individual treatment plans that can be tailored to meet your needs. You should make sure that the center that you choose has qualified medical staff and that they are experienced in treating narcoleptics.


One option to consider for treatment at a sleep center is the use of medication. In this plan, you are taken through several phases to help you adjust to the medications and get rid of the symptoms. You are given anti-narcoleptic medication to prevent sleepiness and antihistamines to make you feel rested.


You may need more than just medication to treat narcolepsy, as some centers offer therapy as well. You will learn how to adjust to life without falling asleep constantly. This may include exercise and relaxation techniques, breathing and relaxation exercises, yoga, or cognitive behavioral therapy. Your doctor can give you more information about these techniques, but these are some options that may be necessary in order to help you sleep normally.

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