The Chocolate-Covered Katie Cookbook!

I am beaming with happiness.

Click on image for source

Yesterday my boyfriend and I were in Barnes and Noble, but of course I slowly wandered off to the cookbook section. After perusing through a bunch of interesting-looking ones, I stumbled upon Kathy Patalsky’s Happy Healthy Vegan Kitchen cookbook and Angela Liddon’s Oh She Glows Cookbook.

I instantly smiled, because these are women whose blogs I’ve been following for a couple years. I’ve watched them grow and succeed in their work, and have been DYING to browse through their cookbooks. When I finally got to yesterday, I was beyond excited!!

But then…..

I searched and searched.

Where was it?!
I knew Barnes and Noble had to have it, but I just couldn’t find it.

As we were about to leave, I saw it and quickly grabbed it from the stack.


For those of you who remember, Chocolate-Covered Katie was the first food blog I discovered and followed.

I stumbled upon Katie’s blog when I wanted to start eating cleaner and creating “healthier” desserts. Since her website is dubbed “The Healthy Dessert Blog”, I thought this would be a great place to start! I’ll be honest though, when I first read that Katie was a vegan and so were her desserts, I was a little skeptical about how they would taste.


“Can you please cook your way through this cookbook?!”, said my boyfriend.

When a huge meat-lover says that to you about a vegan dessert cookbook, you KNOW it’s good. So yes, I plan on cooking my way through this book! And a HUGE thank you to him for buying me the book and dealing with my squeals, jumps, and craziness. 🙂

I cannot thank Katie enough for all the work she has put into this book, and I am PUMPED to start baking!!!! <3

Grab your copy on Amazon NOW.

Seriously, go.

Keep it sweet, people. <3

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